Updating the status of Arctic Meltig
Support Anti-Land Grabbing policies
Incentive rational Decrowth-Policies
Currently, policy makers, economic operators and every person make their decisions taking into account just the effects on a short-time horizon (1 to 5 years). This decision-model is unsustainable in a long term perspective, because of the deleterious effects it has on the environment (e.g., an investment with a 5 year timeframe will certainly not take into account the effects on the environment), on the whole society (a shortsighted thinking feeds the intergenerational conflict and increases the social conflict) and on the economy itself (such a model can damage the resources of a territory, that will see its value falling in the long period).
So what can we do? The Association proposes a new economic model named ‘Long Term Economy,’ a concept developed by Dario Ruggiero in 2011 with the creation of the web-site www.lteconomy.it. This model helps (through analysis, articles, interviews, case studies, conferences, promotion of companies) companies and institutions think in a Long Term Perspective.
The principle 1 doesn’t need any explanation: they are all described in the Long term economy definition. From this principle come out all the other principles.
The practice of this principle derive from the knowledge of what can damage the earth. It is difficult to define all the actions that have generated or could generate damages to the earth.
This principle focus on economic aspects. In countries like Italy, Japan, Greece, the youth are victims of the lack of compliance with this principle in the past.
The human being has to be able to defend the planet from these kind of threaten; moreover, he has to develop the technology enabling him to colonize the universe when it will be necessary.